§ 509.250. Financial management.  

Latest version.
  • The city shall maintain a separate enterprise fund for the water treatment and distribution services division. The water treatment and distribution services enterprise fund shall be used to record all moneys paid and payable to the city as and for water rates or rents, and all other miscellaneous moneys payable or paid to, or received by, the city finance officer from any source whatsoever to the credit of the water treatment and distribution services enterprise fund. The water treatment and distribution services enterprise fund shall also be used to record all moneys appropriated by the city council for water treatment and distribution services division purposes. All special assessments levied upon abutting property for the laying of water mains, shall when and as fast as collected be credited to the water treatment and distribution services enterprise fund. The city shall proceed to lay mains in advance of the collection of special assessments thereof, whenever there shall be sufficient moneys in the water treatment and distribution services enterprise fund in excess of other necessary or estimated demands thereon to enable advances to be made from the fund. No contract negotiated by the city council shall be binding upon the city until the same shall be countersigned by the finance officer; subject to the same rules respecting the possession of funds to meet such contracts as in case of other contracts entered into in behalf of the city; but the city shall have the right to make such contract for anything pertaining to water treatment and distribution services of the city in anticipation of the sale of any bonds which the city shall have been authorized to sell, the proceeds of which are required to be set apart to the credit of the water treatment and distribution services enterprise fund of the city. (Code 1960, As Amend., § 607.010; Pet. No. 251069, § 15, 12-15-89; 2012-Or-076, § 19, 11-16-12; 2014-Or-108, § 8, 12-5-14, eff. 1-1-15)

Charter reference

Waterworks fund, Ch. 9, § 8.