§ 225.670. Solid waste collection point (SWCP).  

Latest version.
  • (a) Every lot containing dwelling units, rooming units, and shared bath units shall provide a solid waste collection point (SWCP), to facilitate the temporary storage and collection of solid waste placed in mobile refuse containers (MRC), and yard waste and recyclable materials stored in appropriate containers.


    The SWCP shall be established at or near the alley line, at or near the front curb line adjacent to the driveway curb cut or as otherwise determined by the director of public works who will also determine the appropriate method of collection of solid waste from such SWCP.


    Persons who have a disability which would otherwise prevent bringing the MRC to the curb or alley may apply to the director of public works for a SWCP that is off the alley line or curb line.


    Penalty . A violation of the provisions of this section shall be punished as a petty misdemeanor. (88-Or-159, § 1, 8-12-88; 96-Or-046, § 38, 5-24-96; 98-Or-132, § 7, 11-13-98; Ord. No. 2017-062 , § 8, 11-3-17)